Gradmatic Equipment Inc. is a world leader in providing a complete induction melting furnace lining solution when using dry vibratable refractory.
The Gradmatic system can maintain dust exposure results at or below OSHA’s Permissible exposure level; linings last longer, production schedules become predictable, and fewer annual linings are required. Reduced strain injury of the wrist from forking and back trauma from lifting and dumping bags of refractory is another area where worker health improvements are realized using the automated system.
Foundries are obtaining dramatic improvements and cost savings using the system; not just environmental improvements for worker safety and health.
Gradmatic can build a system for furnaces as small as 1-ton and as large as 85-tons. Many systems line multiple sizes of furnaces.
Links to Our Main Products
Refractory Installation System (RIS)
Gradmatic Refractory Installation and Vibration System
Form Centering Tool