"Now Hiring." It's hard to go to most places in the country these days without seeing signs like that in front of several businesses. From the fast-food joints to gas stations to foundries, signs practically begging people to come and work dot the landscape. Almost as...
Foundry Industry News, Events and Announcements.
Edge Computing – Real-Time Data in a Fast-Paced World
The modern world is awash in buzzwords. The foundry industry is no different. Amongst those thrown around the industry's board rooms are terms like "digital transformation," "cloud computing," and "big data." In a very real sense, every company in the modern world is...
How “Sustainable” Is Your Business?
Sustainability is the order of the day. Businesses in every industry strive to become more sustainable, more "green," and have less impact on the environment. The foundry industry is no different. Doing so is beneficial for a variety of reasons. One is that becoming...
Metalcasting Focus: Navigating the Political Landscape
Politics. It seems like we can't escape it, even in the foundry world. However, when you are as important to the national economy as we are, politics is inevitable. Our industry lies at the base of several others. Transportation relies on us to make engine blocks, gas...
Marketing Through Leveraging of Your Story
Foundries don't often make the news. Indeed not the mainstream news, and if so, it probably isn't for a good reason. Iron foundries are one of those pieces of national infrastructure that most people never even think about, even if they use the products produced in...
Digital Marketing Strategies for The Foundry Industry
Foundry Marketing - Where to Start? When most people think of foundries, they don't think about how to market them. It doesn't seem like something that needs much marketing when you first look at it. After all, what do you do at a foundry? Melt metal, turn it into...
Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape for the Metal Casting Industry
Creating, establishing, and building a business or brand is challenging. Competing for attention and gaining traction in today's marketplace can be even more difficult, yet it's never been easier to reach out. What gives? Today's world bombards us with a flurry of...
Keeping Connected Through COVID-19
No doubt every one of us has struggled over the past year attempting to figure out how to navigate ourselves and businesses through the pandemic. Not only are we dealing with a new set of circumstances, but we are also struggling to stay connected and in tune with our...
3 Ways to Engage Employment Challenges Facing the Foundry Industry
Sourcing dedicated, reliable, and competent employees within our industry has always been a unique challenge. Throughout its history, the foundry industry has long been characterized as hot, dirty, and harsh manual labor. Our industry, however, is constantly changing....
2021 AFS Virtual Metalcasting Congress
For all Foundrylink Members REMINDER… The 2021 Virtual Metalcasting Congress will be held April 12–22, 2021. This years event will be virtual with many outstanding keynote speakers and programming options available. Anyone within the global metalcasting supply chain...