Frequently Asked Questions About Foundrylink
How Does Foundrylink Work?
Put Simply, We created the Foundrylink Network to help you grow your business globally.
Get quotes and inquiries via the system, Find new business, and find new resources.
Foundrylink gives our members the ability easily grow their business. Easily, and Globally.
How does foundrylink help foundries, suppliers and businesses get more customers?
Foundrylink is actually the hub of network which is supported by feeder websites like foundryquotes.com, and several others, as well as advertising, and Social Media support.
The network gives potential foundry seeking customers, suppliers and vendors a way to send in inquiries, quote requests, and much more.
The goal is to give our members the ability to get quotes and inquiries via the system, creating an easy way to get new business, and an easy way for potential customers and suppliers to reach our members.
Our Business is in the directory, but we want to update it. Is there a Fee for that?
If you see your business in our directory, and would like to claim it so you can add pictures, descriptions and more to your listing, it’s Free to do that.
You don’t need to be a member if you simply want to embellish or correct your listing.
However, becoming a member adds you to the Foundrylink System, which means that you can receive requests for quotes, bids and other sales inquiries from potential customers.
If you are a vendor and want to reach foundries, you can use the system to announce your services, new products, and general updates.
I'm a supplier and want to reach companies in the metalcasting industry, can I use the system?
Absolutely! Imagine being able to reach hundreds of potential customers at once, with an announcement, or introduction of new products and services.
Members who are fabricators are constantly in need of new information on materials, products and services as they emerge, and the Foundrylink network makes it easy to reach a wide member in the industry.
Everyone prospers, foundries, vendors, and suppliers alike.
I have a new material available that I want to make sure all the metal casters and fabricators know about, can I use the system?
Absolutely! Members are eager to hear about new product and material availability, and often they cannot locate it easily.
That’s a perfect use for the Foundrylink System, and it’s a member based system so there is no spam!
Can I cancel?
Members can cancel, or raise/lower their membership level at any time. If you are a basic member, your listing will stay in the directory, but you won’t receive any quote requests or inquiries.
If you are a premium member, your showcase site will be deactivated.
If you are a vendor premium member, your product showcase will be deactivated.
We will hold the above for 1 year, at which time we will delete them.
But you can reactivate them at any time up to one year after you cancel or lower your membership level.
Do you allow any members from outsite the United States?
Yes! Foundrylink’s goal is to support the metalcasting industry WORLDWIDE.
Can we list an event for your members?
Yes, if you are a member you can add events to the calendar, and we will broadcast your event to the membership.