Keeping Connected Through COVID-19

by | Apr 26, 2021 | Foundry Marketing

No doubt every one of us has struggled over the past year attempting to figure out how to navigate ourselves and businesses through the pandemic.

Not only are we dealing with a new set of circumstances, but we are also struggling to stay connected and in tune with our business relationships. We also are likely missing out on many opportunities to make new connections to help us thrive. Virtual visits and Zoom meetings have their place; however, there’s nothing like meeting people face-to-face, especially in manufacturing spaces.

I’ve found myself recently missing the connections gained through seeing people in person, especially AFS Chapter Meetings and trade shows. I often long for the opportunity to meet and speak to people again freely and without apprehension. For far too long, many of us no longer can meet and greet, find new connections, and network ourselves we others in the way we’ve always known. Many of the people in this industry are “hands-on” types of people who aspire to connect in a more personal manner.

There now seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. COVID infection rates are down, and restrictions are easing. People are getting a bit more comfortable now, but day-to-day activities may never return to what we remember. Take advantage of the things you’ve learned over the past year. Reach out digitally and connect with as many people as you can. When you finally get that opportunity to meet face to face, you’ll already be in a solid position to facilitate and foster business relationships to your advantage.

Here’s a short list of ways to connect digitally… and these are not likely to just go away☺


Turn your website into something other than just a pit-stop for information. Have an offer, and give the visitors a chance to engage and connect via chat or email. Create calls to action and promote as much engagement as you can. Those interested will respond, and when set up correctly, even end up in a funnel, you can market to in the future. Look at your website as a tool, not just an informational page.

Make your website searchable on Google and other search engines. By default, Google does NOT set you up for success just because you have a website. Be sure to practice sound search engine optimization (SEO) practices. Foundrylink offers these services upon request. Please reach out to us to learn more about how we can help get you the qualified web traffic you’re looking for.

Social Media

Engaging people in social media may not be your favorite thing to do (I know it’s not mine); however, reaching out on the right platform can make for an advantageous experience. Post new, informational, and engaging content as often as possible. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can be very powerful. Identify your unique selling points and target audiences, then exploit them as much as possible! It most certainly will help enhance your digital marketing footprint.

Email Marketing & Automation

Whether it be through your website, social media, or other digital platforms, email marketing is still very powerful. Leverage it the best you can. It’s still a very effective tool for marketing your business. Use the leads already in your contact lists and create funnels for new ones whenever possible.

Search Engine Marketing – Digital Advertising

Google Ads and social media advertising can be very effective. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) has precise targeting and messaging available and produces outstanding ROI. There’s probably no better tool out there for those looking to enhance their brand while gaining new business opportunities.

If you’re looking for new or additional methods, here’s also a unique platform to enhance outreach and business opportunity,

The Foundrylink platform will never replace face-to-face interactions; however, it will allow you to experience new connections within the industry never before experienced. With relative ease, people have a new way of reaching out and connecting with you and your business. It’s a great way to find others within the industry looking to find resources to help themselves and their businesses succeed.

Foundrylink offers many of these services and other different digital marketing. Contact us today to learn more and keep yourself ahead of the curve.