Marketing Through Leveraging of Your Story

by | Aug 27, 2021 | Foundry Marketing

Foundries don’t often make the news. Indeed not the mainstream news, and if so, it probably isn’t for a good reason. Iron foundries are one of those pieces of national infrastructure that most people never even think about, even if they use the products produced in their furnaces and molds every day. When it does happen, though, it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunity.

Unique Selling Points

How you do that depends a bit on the way you break into the public consciousness. It might be that the local paper or TV station did a story on the foundry because you are the biggest employer in the area or the highest paying. Perhaps you developed a new product or manufacturing technique that is getting interest at the national level. Or you just landed a major contract with another company. Whatever the case, it is crucial to make sure that you get as much positive attention as possible. When it is coming from the news, it is free advertising. So, what do you do?

Storytelling Marketing Trends

The first step is to spread the good word. If the story showed up on the local network, call the paper’s attention to it and vice versa. A good story about how a foundry is helping to keep the local community growing will be good to put in the industry trades. Of course, all of these stories should be shared far and wide on social media. Link it on all the usual suspects to help get the word out.

Second, don’t forget to let the people who already work for you know. It’s never a bad idea to let your employees know the good they are doing by working at the foundry. Whether that’s by feeding the many families in the area, sponsoring local festivals, providing education for the community’s schools, or simply making some of the community’s best products, they should be aware of the impact they are having.

What if those stories aren’t happening? What if people aren’t writing or doing spots on your foundry even there are all kinds of great reasons to do so? Think outside the box a little bit. Look for stories that relate to the industry and amplify those. As an example, during the height of covid lockdowns, gyms across America were closed. That led to many people supplementing their home gyms with dumbbells, kettlebells and plate weights, and more. All of these are products produced in iron foundries. As one of the people looking for weights to stay in shape, I can say anything I needed was non-existent for several months.

How can this kind of situation be used to bring attention to your foundry? Even if you don’t make that particular product, you can link to the story or write your brief post about it to highlight how much difference foundries and their work affects people daily. Or, if you do make those kinds of products, you can talk about how you have stepped up production, hired more people, and opened up a new line. There should be many opportunities like this as purchasing habits have shifted dramatically since January of 2020, and the exposed weaknesses in the supply chain have led to increased calls for domestic manufacturing.

Naturally, you also shouldn’t shy away from making your own stories. Did you hire twelve more people? Advertise that. Did you provide the beams for a new energy-efficient building in the area? Take pictures of the building and spread the news far and wide. Don’t be afraid to go and contact the media on your own. Everyone talks about how bad news sells, but if there is one thing we would all like to hear more of is some good news.

Get creative, don’t be shy about sounding your own trumpet, and never waste a golden opportunity to get your foundry some positive press.